水转印加工技术操作方法Operation method of Water transfer processing technology
- 确定适当水温 (20 °C – 30°C),水面保持溢流状态。
- 保持水表面无活化剂残留及杂质。
- 置膜,以适当角度将膜平放于水面(确定膜之正反面,印刷层朝上)
Put the film on the water flatly with the proper angle.( Confirm the film positive & negative, printing side up)
Set dissolution time with water temperature which is often 25°C-30 °C. The dissolution time is about 45 seconds to 2 minutes.
- 在上膜之前需视加工物之外形或有纹路性,选择下水角度,以利于空气排出。
Select water down angle to exhaust air well as the dip items' shape or lines prior to film transfer .
- 上膜后,不可立即拿起,应在水中摇晃3-5秒,切断边缘之膜,增加纹路咬住被加工物之时间。
- 活化剂喷涂需以0.8mm*4孔喷枪及可搅拌式压力操作业,喷涂距离约30cm,空气压力适当调整避免花纹脱落,不可有水花产生,必要时水温可加到35°C, 水槽之水量需作溢, ***一道水需干净,冲洗完成需经空气吹干并经品管修整再入烘烤炉。
Different film pattern , different base coat. e.g. Wood grain (often Brown, khaki), Marble grain (often white etc).